Today’s sign that we’re back in America

Tomorrow it will be a month since we got back in the States after a year in France. We’ve been plenty busy getting re-acclimated to life in the USA and so far we haven’t had too much reverse culture-shock. And yet, it still can be hard to believe that we’re actually, really, truly back here to stay. But now I know for sure:

Yesterday the girls started back at their old schools. They saw old friends and had classes with far more students than any of their classes at the International School of Paris. And then they came home with piles of paperwork for us to sign. (That’s right, France does not have a monopoly on bureaucracy.)

Last night our waiter greeted us with a smile and said, “Hi, my name’s Jason and I’ll be taking care of you tonight.” Such a sentence has never been uttered in France.

And today I bought 48 rolls of toilet paper in one package from Costco. Yes, we are so back now.


A very American minivan loaded up with good things from Costco.

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